| Unveiling the Power of Internal Communication KPIs
Measuring Your Effectiveness: Unveiling the Power of Internal Communication KPIs

Written By
Tania Benade-Meyer

Measuring Your Effectiveness: Unveiling the Power of Internal Communication KPIs

When a company aims to uphold its online presence, it crafts an effective internal communication strategy. Scrutinising this strategy not only empowers communication managers to fine-tune their approach but also serves as a compass for optimisation.

Understanding KPIs:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as the compass to navigate the impact of marketing campaigns. They are vital tools for evaluating the effectiveness of actions and strategies. Concerning internal communication, KPIs play a pivotal role in assessing various factors and achieving preset objectives. It's vital to note that not all KPIs are interpreted the same way.

Defining a KPI:

First and foremost, let's grasp what a KPI truly is. A KPI, or performance indicator, quantifies an action's impact. These indicators predominantly find their application in communication and marketing. By consistently analysing KPIs, your marketing team can optimise strategies, leading to the growth and advancement of your company.

Different KPIs can be useful depending on the objective at hand. These KPIs encompass areas such as engagement, business growth, reputation, and risk management. Each of these indicators serves a distinct purpose and mastering them contributes to a continuous enhancement of the initial marketing strategies.

Defining Internal Communication KPIs:

Selecting the right KPI demands careful consideration of your company's communication strategies. Aligning your internal communication KPIs with SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) is recommended.

Specific: Ensure your objectives are precisely defined using simple and clear terms. Precision empowers effective action planning.
Measurable: Quantify your objectives. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Clear measurement enables tracking progress.
Achievable: Aim high but within reach. Make sure your resources align with your objectives to prevent demotivation.
Realistic: Validate your goals against market conditions and your company's capacity. Avoid confusing realism with attainability.
Time-bound: Set deadlines. Projects need both a beginning and an end for successful assessment.

Importance of Measuring Internal Communication:

Analysing internal communication isn't just about measuring effectiveness—it's about enhancing it. According to a survey by McKinsey Global Institute, employee productivity increases by 20-25% when they feel connected to the company's vision. A robust internal communication campaign fosters a sense of belonging and understanding among employees. This connection drives them to contribute actively to the company's growth.

Measuring internal communication sheds light on the outcomes of strategic decisions. This data-driven approach allows leaders to grasp the implications of their choices and adapt accordingly. Effective communication keeps everyone informed, resulting in smoother operations and, ultimately, better outcomes.

Essential Internal Communication KPIs:

Several KPIs play a crucial role in measuring internal communication:

Employee Engagement Rate: Quantify employee satisfaction and their sense of involvement. Happier employees lead to positive word-of-mouth both within the company and externally.
Open Rates or Intranet Reading Receipts: Measure participation rates to determine the most effective communication methods.
Page Visits and Interactions: Monitor employees' interaction frequency with the intranet. Tailor communication strategies to peak engagement times.
Adoption Rate of New Applications: Gauge the adoption of new communication tools and refine strategies based on usage patterns.
Employee Feedback Tracking: Encourage employees to share their opinions and consider their feedback for service improvement.

Methods of Measurement:

Internal communication KPIs can be measured using both qualitative and quantitative methods:

Qualitative Approach: Utilise employee surveys to gauge satisfaction, opinions, and feelings. Focus groups and informal conversations can also provide insights.

Quantitative Approach: Gather quantitative data such as intranet engagement, downloads, and connections to measure the effectiveness of communication strategies.

Harnessing the Power of Dashboards:

Dashboards provide visual representations of KPIs. Regular updates and frequent measurements result in more accurate insights. Dashboards serve as a powerful tool for tracking progress and communicating outcomes to both superiors and collaborators.


Measuring internal communication KPIs is an indispensable step towards refining strategies and fostering growth. As companies tap into these metrics, they uncover invaluable insights that drive informed decisions, nurture employee engagement, and expedite business goals. By embracing a data-driven approach, companies can build stronger internal connections, enhance collaboration, and